Real Life Chiropractic


There are countless ways one may become fatigued. Although, we can point a large finger at one particular
component within each cell of our body
. That is the mitochondrion. It is the mitochondria within our body
that produces energy and this may be where we can look to the source of our fatigue.

There are many energies out there trying to sap our energy from us. It can be from social media trying to
grasp our attention, or negative conversations about politics or strong opinions being expressed in heated
discussions. These are large topics that can greatly suck the energy or life from us. A bit more subtle than the
big topics of todays world can be the fact of our past. Our past, for some of us, may have been very traumatic
and negativity from the past can also take away our energy. When thoughts from our past seek to occupy our
mind, our energy is going towards those thoughts. Clearing negative emotions via the Emotion Code and
negative energy via the Body Code systems, we can help to clear the mind of these negative experiences. We
can’t erase them from the mind, but we can work to take away the sting and imbalances associated with them.
By clearing negative energy our mitochondria can be unhindered in it’s chemical reactions to provide us with

Other ways we may treat this would be to look at the body’s ability to digest its food. We can provide
knowledge of foods to aid in the digestion process, or provide supplementation according to the patients
needs. There are other supplements and herbs that can greatly enhance mitochondrial function. Through
Applied Kinesiology, aka muscle testing, we can identify what your body actually needs and wants to give it
the most benefit.

Fatigue may be commonly sourced to the lack of function in the thyroid gland. Although, even if a blood test
shows your thyroid is off, it could be from the two endocrine glands that control the thyroid; the pituitary
and hypothalamus glands. Through foods, and natural supplementation we can support the thyroid gland as
well as the pituitary and hypothalamus glands naturally giving you more energy in turn. Applied Kinesiology
can help us identify if it is a thyroid problem or a problem from a different gland.

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Frequently Asked Questions

60 Minutes New Patient $199
30 Minutes New Patient (Adjustment Only) $95
45 Minutes Returning New Patient $195
30 Minutes Returning Patient $130
15 Minutes Returning Patient (Adjustment Only) $65

There are many forms of energy work and too many to count for our purposes to answer this question. Although, Dr. Patterson uses energy work with the basic fact that our body responds to positive and negative stimuli. This is the basis of how applied kinesiology, or muscle testing, works. Through muscle testing we are better able to assess what the body is actually going through and identify treatments that will address the problems’ root cause.

The spine, if you will, of what Dr. Patterson does stems from releasing emotions and other energetic imbalances through the use of the Emotion Code and the Body Code. This area of energy healing utilizes applied kinesiology to assist in the healing process. From there Dr. Patterson has incorporated other techniques such as the Craniobiotic technique, Morphogenic Field Technique, Nutrition Response Testing, chiropractic adjustments and more.

Yes. Dr. Patterson Is trained in and uses diversified technique along with incorporating activator method principles. His adjusting is lighter than maybe rougher styles as he is certified in the Webster Technique focusing on pregnancy. The Webster Technique can be applied to for both males and females.

For a returning visit, a structure only appointment is $65.00.

Real Life Chiropractic at (801) 923-4373

To better serve you Dr. Patterson does not accept insurance as insurance companies dictate the majority of what can be done in a visit.

Yes. Dr. Patterson works on anyone from newborns to adults.

Only for a NEW child (age 0-8) appointment, which is 30 Minutes for $150, or 15 Minutes (Adjustment Only) for $75. Due to Dr. Patterson’s specialty, knowledge, and training on many subjects and techniques RETURNING children are the same price as adults.

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