Real Life Chiropractic

September 2022

Day 11 Stem Cells and the Breath

It has been hypothesized and evidence definitely points to the possibility that stem cells, which rejuvenate and heal damaged tissues, are released from the bone marrow when a person practices yoga.1 That being said, there is no solid evidence to prove this yet. It is a well known fact that regular exercise does stimulate the regeneration of tissues and has an antioxidant, and anti-aging effect.

Yoga uses deep breathing during stretching and various movements. During these movements practicing yoga students learn to meditate and often let go of things that are bothering them in their life. With looking at the power of the mind in our thinking alone, wouldn’t it also make sense too, that as we are intending to heal our body and focus on it, then that is where our energy will go. If our energy goes towards where ever it is we are thinking, I believe that our body will do the same, even our stem cells.


1. Nitya Shree, Ramesh R. Bhonde, “Can yoga therapy stimulate stem cell trafficking from bone marrow?“ Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Volume 7, Issue 3, 2016, Pages 181- 184, ISSN 0975-9476,

Till next time. Thank you,

Dr. Josef Patterson DC…

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Day 10 The Breath and Attention

From 2003 to 2011, the National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) showed an increase of 42% of children diagnosed between ages 4-17 with ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder).1 The way that conventional methods used in western societies to treat this is to medicate with pharmaceuticals even to this day. These pharmaceuticals are divided into stimulants vs non-stimulant drugs. Some side effects of the stimulant drugs include:2

  • Mild belly pain

  • Headache

  • Irritability or anxiousness

  • Sleep problems

  • Reduced appetite

    Some side effects of the non-stimulant drugs include:2

    • Sleepiness

  • Reduced appetite

  • Upset stomach

    With a growing number of kids and now adults having attention problems (ADD, ADHD, etc), it is vitally important to find ways that are effective in treating them. Yoga, Qigong, and Tai Chi are great ways to do this! If you’re child or adult finds it boring or uninteresting, incorporating some Kung Fu can help keep interest. Kung Fu uses Qigong for self defense and is also a great form of exercise!

    Qigong has been shown to greatly help all forms of systems revolving around attention.3 If you or someone close you suffers with an kind of attention disorder, there may be some benefit with these practices.



  2. Felt BT, Biermann B, Christner JG, et al. Diagnosis and management of ADHD in children. Am

    Fam Physician. 2014 Oct 1;90(7):456-64

  3. Jha, A. P., Krompinger, J., & Baime, M. J. (2007). Mindfulness training modifies subsystems of attention. Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience, 7(2), 109–119.

Till next time. Thank you,

Dr. Josef Patterson DC

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Day 9 An Add-on to Breathing Before Sleep

An add on to the breathing technique previously suggested, while laying in bed before sleep would be to think about all the things you did good through out the day or listing the things that you were grateful for the day. Doing this leaves your brain on a positive note about the day and prompts your subconscious mind to have positive dreams at night. Then upon waking in the morning, that will often be the first thing you think about. What a great way to reduce and let go of stress while improving your quality of sleep.

Gratitude has been shown to re-wire the brain in healthy patterns. According to one of the worlds most renown experts on gratitude it does 4 things within the body:1

  1. Gratitude allows celebration of the present

  2. Gratitude blocks toxic emotions (envy, resentment, regret, depression)

  3. Grateful people are more stress-resilient

  4. Gratitude strengthens social ties and self-worth



I hope you can use this information to better your sleep and your life. References:

Till next time. Thank you,

Dr. Josef Patterson DC…

Day 9 An Add-on to Breathing Before Sleep Read More »

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